
Dear Visitor
It is my honor to welcome you in the Department of Water Management and Environment. This department was established as a result of the increasing demand for specialists capable of dealing with water issues and the environment.
The rapid population growth, in addition to changes in human behavior and consumption habits, contributed (and still contributing) to the overexploitation of environmental resources including water, air, and soil. As a result, many species, including humans, has become endangered.
They do not breathe the same air, and do not enjoy the abundance of natural resources, as their ancestors did. Recently, humans started to understand the size of destruction they are causing to the environment and started to suggest solutions to rescue what is remaining from the environment.
We are in this department seeking to cooperate with different private and public sectors in order to produce generation of professionals capable of protecting the environmental assets and benefiting from them without destroying them.
And before saying goodbye, I'd like to remind that nature is very complex and interdisciplinary, which requires cooperation between all efforts from all disciplines and positions - teachers, parents, workers, farmers, and pastors -  that lead to solving environmental problems.