Steering Committee

  1.   H.E. Prof. Dr. Fawwaz M. Al-Abed Al-Haq 

 Hashemite University President / Head of the Steering Committee

  Her Royal Highness Princess Dana Firas

 ICOMOS-Jordan’s President.

 Board of Directors of Petra National Trust and is patron, and supporter of a number of important organizations for culture and heritage globally.

  1.   Prof. Dr. Firas Alawneh

 Dean of the Queen Rania Faculty of Tourism and Heritage/ Conference Chairman

  1.   Sharifa Nofa Bint Nasser

 President of the Jordan Friend of Archaeology and Heritage

  1.   H.E. Mr. Makram Mustafa Al-Queisi

 Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

  1.   Prof. Wasfi Al Rawabdeh

 Vice President for Humanitarian Faculties Affairs/ Committee member

  1.   Prof. Awni Itradat

 Vice President for Administrative Affairs/ Committee member

  1.   Prof. Mohammad El_Mashaleh

 Vice President for Student A?airs and External Communication/Committee member

  1.   Prof. Khaled  A. ABU-ELTEEN

 Vice President for Academic Faculties Affairs/ Committee member

  1.   H.E. Dr. Emad Hijazin

 Director General of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

  1.   H.E. Dr. Abdul Razaq Arabiyat

 Director  of  Jordan Tourism Board

  1.   H.E. Dr. Suleiman Faragat

 President of Petra Development & Tourism Region Authority

  1.   H.E. Prof. Dr. Fadi Balaawi

 General director of the department of antiquities

  1.   H.E.   Prof. Dr. Ziad Al Saad

 Yarmouk University

  1.   H.E  Eng. Ehab Ammirin

 Director General of the Jordan Museum

  1.   H. E. Prof. Dr. Kamel Mahadin

 American University of Madaba

  1.   H. E. Mr. Abdul Hamid Gharaibeh

 Director General of the Jordan Free  and development Zones Group

  1.   H.E. Mr. Fakhri Al-Qatarneh

 Director of the Royal Department for Environment and Tourism Protection

  1.   H.E.  Mr. Abdul Hakim Al Hindi

 President of the Jordan Hotel Association JHA

  1.   H. E. Mr. Raja Gargour

 Director of the Royal Heritage Department

  1.   H.E.  Mr. Ibrahim Al-Zuraiqi

 President of the Handicraft Association

  1.   H.E.  Eng. Muammar Kamal Haddadin

 Director of the Royal Jordanian Geographical Center

  1.   Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Ibrahim Odeh Arinat

 Dean of The Faculty of Archaeology and Tourism/ Jordan University

  1.   Prof. Dr. Atef Al-Shayab

 Dean of  The Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management - Yarmouk University

  1.   Prof. Dr. Lamia Al- Khoury

 Dean of  The Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology -Yarmouk University

  1.    Prof. Dr.  Mohammad. S. O. El_Mashaleh

 Deanship of Scientific Research

  1.   Prof. Dr. Talal Aksheh

 Cultural Technologies/private sector

  1.   Dr. Sherry Carlin


  1.   Dr.Pearce Paul


  1.   Dr. Ayman Harb

 Dean of  the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality – Aqaba

  1.   Dr. Naser Al- Majali

 Jordan Olympic Committee

  1.   Prof Dr Zeidan A K Kafafi

 Yarmouk University

  1.   Dr. Mukhles M. A. Al-Ababneh

 Dean of the Petra College of Tourism and Archeology / Al – Hussein Bin Talal University

  1.   Dr. Bilal Riziq Mustafa Khrisat

 Commissioner of Petra Archeology park and Tourism