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The Image of Jordan in the World: 100 Years

Organized by

 The Hashemite University In Collaboration with The Ministry of Culture

Conference Context

As Jordan moves into its second centennial, it feels confident and proud that it has not only withstood many social and political upheavals that ravaged the Arab region and the Middle East since 1921 but was also able to leave a positive image for its human and social spirit on the one hand and its political role and respectful, cooperative diplomatic connections with the rest of the world on the other hand. Jordan has formed its contemporary image for most countries and leaders based on being a modern and developed “Arab Hashemite” state, moderate in social and political orientation and observant of mutual respect and interests.

This positive image of Jordan can be ascribed to the wise administration and smart leadership of the Hashemite Kings of Jordan starting with King Abdullah I (the Founder), through King Talal and King Hussein (the Builder) and down to King Abdullah II (the Reinforcer).

Hence, organizing such an international conference acquires particular importance within the context of commemorating the centennial anniversary by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in general and The Hashemite University in particular, which allows for shedding more light on the image of Jordan for world nations, leaders, organizations, and institutions in political, economic, social, folkloric, cultural fields, among others.

Conference Languages: English, Arabic ، French