Services Department

Transportation department is one of the important departments in the university that provides all transportation services and manages the invested sites and incoming and outgoing communications to the university. It includes the following divisions:-

a. The Bureau: The Bureau receives and sends all the transactions that come to the department, including documents and official books, automatically and on paper.

B. Transportation Division:-
The Transportation Division holds the following responsibilities:

- Implementing the daily movement requests for the employees of the university back and forth all day long. 
- Implementing the movement's requests for field training for university students and supervisors.
- Implementing exceptional movement orders that serve the educational process at the university.

C. Site-Investing Division:-

The Sites Division holds the following responsibilities:

- Preparing lease agreements and following up their implementation and to what extent the investors are committed to the terms of the agreements and making periodic tours to all sites to ensure the integrity of the followed procedures.
- Receiving and handing the invested sites and supervising the maintenance of the site in a befitting manner to the service provided to students and workers.

d.Telephone Exchange Division:-

Receiving and transferring all calls received to the university to the right destination according to the nature of the inquiry and request.
- Working on updating the mechanism of communication and the process of communicating with the university in line with the development of the telecommunications sector.

e. Electronic services