Tasks and Duties of the Section
Tasks and Duties of the Purchasing Department / The Hashemite University
* Opening work-related files, classifying them, and coding them according to the rules used in the university.
* Presenting daily mail to the director; to take appropriate measures, after sorting and distributing it according to the specialization.
* Supervising the work of the department in general, distributing work to the employees of the department, and following up on its completion.
* Following up and implementing the receipt and delivery of mail with various parties in the university, and processing both incoming and outgoing mail.
* Preparing correspondence and official responses and following up on them
Working on implementing the applicable regulations and instructions*
Supervising and auditing the attendance record and presenting it to the director daily*
* Recording and auditing departures and vacations for the department's employees daily.
* Receiving visitors and responding to their inquiries.
* Requesting the department's stationery needs, monitoring their disbursement, and ensuring their optimal use.
Following up on various maintenance and cleaning works in the department.*
Following up on obtaining official responses from the relevant parties.*
* Preparing official books and transactions, and reviewing them before approving them for signature.
* Creating job and personal files for all employees in the department, and keeping all personal documents and transactions therein.
* Carrying out the work of preserving transactions, and supervising them within the archiving system of the office.
* Any other tasks requested at the time.
Tasks and duties of the Purchasing Department Secretariat /The Hashemite University
* Coordinating and organizing the work of the Purchasing Department Manager, receiving phone calls, securing communications, taking notes, and presenting them to him.
* Performing all required printing work, including the agenda of the purchasing committees, inviting committee meetings, and the documents of the session.
Keeping the following in the files of the committee members:*
- Documents of the topics included in the agenda
- Agenda
- the session documents
* Signing of the papers of the session by the members of the purchasing committees
*Keeping the papers after signing them in the annual archives files
* Implementing the printing of the decisions included session papers.
* Inviting committee members to the meeting
* Organizing the Director's office, maintaining its assets, and fully supervising the meeting room and preparing it for the meeting.
* Any other tasks requested at the time
* Tasks and duties of the Assistant Director of the Purchasing Department/Hashemite University
As assigned by the Director
Tasks and duties of the Referrals Division in the Purchasing Department/Hashemite University
* Auditing the specifications and conditions before selling them to companies, and the form of the advertisement, in coordination with the Audit, Follow-up and Contracts Division.
* Implementing the specifications for various tenders and their attachments on the university's website, in coordination with the Information Technology Center.
Following up on advertisements for tenders from the Purchasing Department• Following up on technical committees, and coordinating with them to prepare technical study reports, and coordinating with the Audit Bureau's auditor for this purpose.
* Reviewing technical studies before presenting them to the purchasing committees; to ensure that they meet the required conditions, and recommending their presentation if they meet the conditions.
* Preparing referral decisions for various tenders, according to the reports of the technical committees, and the presentation of contractors.
Preparing notification letters for companies that have referrals.*
* Preparing files and cover letters, and their attachments for tenders that require approval according to the reference authority for approval, in coordination with the Audit, Follow-up and Contracts Division.
* Supervising the receipt and delivery of various samples for various tenders, and controlling their receipt.
* Maintaining a special register for tenders, including the tender number, the referral decision number, the name of the tender, its value, and the requesting party.
* Following up on tenders funded by World Bank loans, the National Agenda, and economic transformation projects.
* Auditing the e-mail data of the Purchasing Department according to the rules, and updating it on a regular basis.
* Any other tasks requested at the time.
Tasks and duties of the Audit, Follow-up and Contracts Division in the Purchasing Department/The Hashemite University
* Auditing previous tenders whose files have not been closed and following up on them.
* Auditing the specifications and conditions before selling them to companies, and the form of the advertisement, in coordination with the Referrals Division.
Auditing and implementing the papers of meetings.*
* Auditing and following up on agreements and contracts concluded through the Purchasing Department, and notifying the Director of the Department of their expiration dates within the specified period and in written notice.
* Reviewing and auditing entry guarantees.
* Auditing advertisements related to tenders
* Auditing professional licenses and registration certificates of companies that purchase invitations to tenders.
Auditing bid opening forms.*
* Auditing referral decisions.
* Following up on the guarantees division regarding notifying companies of the referral, their signing of the referral decision, and agreements related to the referred tenders.
* Following up on the referrals division regarding decisions that require approval according to the permissions allowed.
* Preparing reports requested by the department
* Any other tasks requested at the time
Tasks and duties of the guarantees division in the Purchasing Department/Hashemite University
* Taking all measures related to selling copies of the invitation to tenders, and its attachments of special terms and specifications.
* Ensuring that all conditions for selling copies are met, and the fees due are paid
* Preparing a special register for the names of contractors, and all information related to each bid, and verifying receipts of( value, bid number))
* Verifying that the contractor has submitted the bid documents: (general conditions, technical specifications, and special conditions)
* Preparing a list of receipts of bid invitation envelopes, and matching it with the bids submitted in the box.
Verifying that contractors deposit their bids/tenders in the designated box*
* Preparing a list of opening bid envelopes for each bid, and not mixing bids for different bids
*Opening the envelopes during the meeting of the relevant purchasing committee, signing the bids by the committee members, and stamping them with the committee’s seal.
* Providing the contractor with a copy of the notification letter and the decision
* Ensure receipt of the performance bond by the contractor, and deliver the entry bond in exchange for signing the receipt.
* Receive the contractors notified of the referral in exchange for signing, and ensure all related procedures.
* Prepare all procedures related to sending the signed decisions, notification letters and guarantees according to the forms prepared for that.
* Follow up on companies that have not been notified, within fifteen days, and inform the manager about them in writing after the legal period has passed.
* Record financial guarantees (guarantees, checks) in the list designated for that purpose; to include them in the register for financial guarantees.
* Save the original various bids in the designated places for that purpose (Box-File)
* Any other tasks requested at the time.
Tasks and duties of the Purchasing Division in the Purchasing Department/Hashemite University
* Provide various needs (supplies or services) to the requesting parties at the university, through solicitation, and in accordance with the purchasing system in force at the university
* Contact with sources of supply; To secure supplies or services with the best quality, high quality, on time, in the specified quantity and at a competitive price, in line with the purchasing system in force at the university.
* Obtaining price offers according to specifications, required quantities, and within the financial allocations allocated in the budget, and implementing the purchasing process in an effective manner in terms of price, quality, delivery dates, payment terms and service, maintaining confidentiality, and achieving transparency and fairness in transactions.
* Making the necessary correspondence to complete the purchasing process after completing all requirements, including technical specifications and financial allocations.
* Ensuring that the submitted invoices match in terms of the supplier's name, prices, quantities and specifications.
* Updating the supplier database by searching for new sources of supply, with the aim of giving strength in negotiating to obtain the lowest prices, and to obtain diverse sources of supply.
* Unifying the purchase of similar supplies whenever possible.
* Keeping a copy of the records and documents used in the purchasing process.
* Following up on obtaining all new specifications of supplies.
* Any other tasks required at the time.