Based on Article (29) / (a) of the Financial Regulations of the Hashemite University No. (57) for the year 1999 which states:
“Subject to any special provision stated in this system, the advance is paid upon the end of the purpose for which it was spent, and in the event that it is not paid, it is deducted from the salary of the one to whom it was disbursed in one payment. If this is not sufficient, the advance is paid from the salary of the following month, under penalty of law."
Procedures and instructions that are followed before taking the expense advances and denoted by the symbol (EA)
• That the letter requesting the advance be directed by the dean of the college or the director of the unit or department to the Director of the Financial Affairs Unit, in the case of the miscellaneous expense advance if the amount of the advance is less than five hundred dinars, each according to his powers.
• That the letter of the advance request is addressed by the dean of the college or the director of the unit or department to the President of the University if the amount of the advance is more than five hundred dinars.
• In the case of the advance of expenses related to hospitality, the letter must be approved by the president of the university, and that its value shall not exceed fifty dinars.
• Determining the amount of the advance and to whom it will be disbursed.
Procedures that must be followed to close the expense advance: -
• Collecting the invoices related to the advance and sending them to the Director of the Financial Affairs Unit with an official letter indicating the renewal or closing of this advance after completing the procedures of the Supplies Unit on it as follows:
*Attach the financial allocation reservation with it.
* Seal invoices with a consumer stamp or make an entry document and control internal receipt for them.
• The bills should be approved by the dean of the college or the director of the unit or department.
• If the miscellaneous expense advance includes hospitality bills (buying food or beverages), it must be approved by the President, regardless of the amount of the bill.
• Not to affix any stamps to bills whose value is less than fifty dinars.
• Stamps must be affixed to an invoice equal to or greater than fifty dinars as follows: - The total amount of the invoice x 0.006 = the value of the stamps, rounded to the nearest hundred fils + the stamp of the invoice, which is half a dinar.
For example: a bill of (62) dinars.
62 * 0.006 = 0.372 rounded to 0.400+ (bill stamp) 0.500 = 0.900
Procedures and instructions to be followed before taking the day labor advance (symbolized by DLA)
1. Participation in scientific conferences is made by a decision of the President based on the recommendation of the dean and the recommendation of the department head. Upon approval for participation, equitable distribution among members of the teaching staff in the department or college shall be taken into account.
2. A faculty member may get support by the University to participate in one scientific conference per year.
3. The University shall bear the financial expenses incurred by participating in the conference, with a maximum amount of (1500) dinars, depending on the venue, including the day trips, conference fees and travel tickets.
4. A faculty member applying to participate in any conference must attach to his application the following: -
a. The invitation addressed to him by the conference body or the organizing body.
b. The approved form for participation in scientific conferences with the required information written in the form.
4. In the event that a better price for the flight ticket is obtained by an airline other than Royal Jordanian, a letter should be written to the President, and the amount shall be disbursed to the faculty member after approval, provided that he/she submits a receipt confirming the purchase of the ticket, affixed with stamps with the value of (0.006) of the invoice, in addition to a stamp with the value of half a dinar affixed to the bill.
Procedures that must be followed after returning from travel to pay the day labor advance:
A letter shall be made to pay the day labor advance granted to the faculty member and shall be submitted to the President after the approval of the dean, with the following attached: -
a. A copy of the passport photo page and the page showing the stamp of exit from Jordan and re-entry.
b. A receipt proving payment of the conference fee, whether it was transferred by Financial Affairs Unit or paid by the faculty member.
c. The advance must be paid within a month after returning from travel.
d. The advance shall be deducted from the salary in the event of non-payment after a month of returning and the end of the purpose of the advance.
Procedures and instructions followed to take and pay the salary advance (symbolized by SA)
The members of the teaching staff, full-time lecturers, teaching/ research assistants, contract appointees and staff take the approval of the President of the University to disburse a salary advance to them within the first three months of their appointment, provided that the advance does not exceed three times the gross monthly salary, and should not exceed one thousand five hundred dinars.
The advance payment is paid from the salary of the employee to whom it was disbursed at a maximum of twelve installments starting from the salary of the month following the month in which the advance was disbursed.
Procedures and instructions to be followed to take and repay the scientific research advance (and it has the following symbols (SRL)
The researcher applies for a scientific research advance payment to purchase supplies at the expense of his or her research project supported by following the steps below:-
1-The researcher fills out the (request for advance payment) form and according to the assets, if the amount of the advance payment is less than (500) dinars, it is approved by the dean of scientific research, or if the amount of the advance payment is more than (500) dinars, it is transferred by the Deanship of scientific research and higher studies to obtain the approval of the president of the university.
2. The form shall be transferred to the financial affairs unit after completing the original approvals and shall be disbursed from the allotments allocated for the research and according to the item determined by the researcher, taking into account the availability of the amount requested under the item.
3- The researcher follows up with the checks division to receive the check from the finance unit.
4- Upon completion of the purpose of the advance payment and the completion of the purchase process, the advance payment will be repaid by filling in the (advance payment form) and all invoices that prove the purchases of the required materials should be attached.
5. The advance payment form shall be submitted to the scientific research department in order to approve the invoices and shall be forwarded to the supplies service unit for completion of procedures on them from receipt controls and entry documents if required.
6. The form should be transferred from the supplies service unit to the finance unit for disbursement as follows:-
A. If the total amount of invoices is equal to the amount of the advance payment, it shall be duly paid.
B - In the event that the total invoices are less than the advance amount, the difference must be paid to the finance unit either in cash or deducted from the salary.
C. In the event that the total of the invoices is greater than the amount of the advance payment, the difference will be paid to the researcher provided that the difference is included in the document
A very important note:-
It must be taken into account to attach stamps on each invoice worth (50) dinars or more by multiplying the amount of the invoice by (0.006) and then bring the output to the nearest hundred fils minimum in addition to affixing a stamp worth (500) fils. Otherwise, the value of these stamps will be deducted from the amount paid by the researcher in addition to the delay penalty fine.