Transfer to University

Transfer requests are submitted electronically, and these requests are transferred to the competent dean of the college to equalize the credit hours that the student has studied at his university at the bachelor’s level and for one time only, in light of the study plan for the specialization he wishes to transfer to, after taking the opinion of the concerned department, and returned to the Admission and Registration Unit .
The student is allowed to transfer to the university from another official Jordanian university according to the following conditions:
The transfer to any of the university’s specializations shall be according to the following conditions, with the exception of the specializations of the Faculty of Engineering and the specialization of Human Medicine:
1- That the student has a vacancy in the specialization he wishes to transfer to.
2- The student must have successfully studied at his university no less than (33) credit hours included in the calculation of his cumulative average. (Subjects with pass/fail marks are not counted within these hours).
3- That the student’s average in high school is acceptable in the specialization he wishes to transfer to at the university in the year of obtaining high school or in the year of applying for transfer, or that his cumulative average in the subjects he studied at his university is not less than (very good), and in the latter case, the student is transferred to the same major that he is studying at his university.
4- That his previous study was in accordance with the method of regularity in study, and that he had not been dismissed from his previous university for any reason.
5- The college dean may consider the possibility of a student transferring to a major close to the major he is studying at his university in the event that it is not available at the university.
6- If a student was accepted to the university, and has successfully completed studying subjects at another university, university college, or university institute recognized by the university, those subjects he studied at the bachelor’s level and obtained a grade of no less than (C-) or (60%) shall be credited to him. ) or its equivalent, without its grades being included in the calculation of his semester or cumulative average, provided that no more than (7) seven years have passed since he studied these subjects.