The faculty of nursing has two health informatics computer laboratories. The first computer lab (located on the ground floor of the faculty) was opened after partnership with the Electronic Health Solution Kakeem. It is equipped with 25 computers and health information computing software. It is mainly used in the course Health Informatics for training nursing students on relevant information technology applications including documentation, communication with medical team members, and research related activities. The second health informatics computer lab (located on the second floor) was established as a part of HiCure multi-country project (Funded by the EU-Erasmus+ program) logical framework that aims to integrate a Health Informatics Curricula and to implement the project activities (i.e., curriculum development and student training on Health Information Systems). The second lab is equipped with servers to support the E-learning platform (HW, SW, installation), 160 Workstations, 8 Laptop s for presenters, 8 LCD Projectors for teaching room and 8 color printers.