Environmental and astronomical club

The environmental and astronomical club is a non-systematic field within the university that includes students who have environmental and astronomical interests in terms of the need to contribute to its protection and preservation in order to spread environmental and astronomical awareness and achieve the principle of environmental sustainability. The club also aims at honing students' skills and ambitions about various astronomical phenomena. 

Club goals:
1. Involving university students by identifying the environment, its problems, and the solutions available to these problems.
2. Developing interest in the environment and working to reach a conviction about protecting it.
3. Trying to positively transform human behavior toward the environment.
4. Providing students with the right environmental practices through learning and practice.
5. Celebrating environmental events.
6. Encouraging students to monitor and follow the different latest developments in astronomy.

Club tasks:
1. Paying attention to the environment and everything related to it within the University.
2. Creating a wall magazine for the club.
3. Conducting awareness campaigns inside and outside the University.
4. Activating workshops on the environment or other related topics.
5. Conducting environmental and astronomical activities in partnership with governmental and non-governmental entities, including field visits, nature excursions and exhibitions related to the environment and astronomy.
6. Studying some local and global environmental and astronomical situations and phenomena.
7. Holding specialized courses in astronomy and its manifestations by specialists

Club Activities:
1-organizing multiple events for the astronomy club such as the observation of some stars of the solar system.
2-establishing the effectiveness of Popular Astronomy and calculating the time and seasons for researcher Awad al-Nwiran .
3-setting up the astronomical scientific day in cooperation with the Faculty of Human Resources.
4 setting up scientific trips to observe some astronomical phenomena, including a trip to Azraq and Petra.