Strategic Plan

This strategic plan aims to improve the Special Education Department and to develop its tasks and activities. Particularly, this plan aims:

* To provide the students  with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are necessary to deal with children of different levels, and to provide them with the theoretical and practical skills that help them to choose their future career and do it successfully.
* To establish strong relationships among students and between students and faculty based on respect and sustained professional development.
* To develop capabilities concerned with designing research studies and undertaking those studies using scientific research methodologies.
 * To establish practical human relationships between the department and relevant institutions in the society.
* To build an electronic database about children with special needs.
* To develop learning and teaching strategies in order to help students acquire different thinking skills and develop their creative thinking.
* To develop a system for pursuing alumni and making contacts with them.
* To provide the department with new faculty members.
* To support faculty members' efforts in doing scientific research.