• The general goal of the lab is bringing together the efforts of specialists in linguistics, literature, sociology, politics, history and media to do research in shared topics within the fields of discourse analysis.
• Specific objectives include:
- Activating the critical analytic mobility of discourse that raises discoursal queries related to society, power and ideology and attempts to find relevant answers.
- Equipping staff and students with the scientific analytic skills of discourse genres.
- Producing critical and analytic studies in the various fields of discourse, political, social, economic etc.
- Publishing scientific research in discourse analysis electronically and in printing.
- Enhancing the role of the Hashemite University in the national endeavor in the areas of discourse analysis and criticism.
- Promoting the culture of scientific analysis of discourse.
- Establishing a network of relationships and connections for specialists and those interested in discourse analysis.
- Re-reading the Arabic and western linguistic, religious, political and social productions in light of the tenets of critical discourse analysis.
- Enhancing the potentials of gifted youngsters in the field of discourse analysis and criticism.
- Preparing bright researchers and critical discourse analysts.
- Keeping up with the current developments in discourse analysis.
• Means
- Holding specialized conferences periodically in discourse analysis.
- Holding seminars and forums according to a pre-planned schedule.
- Participating in meetings and conferences held locally, regionally and internationally.
- Hosting prominent figures in the field from Jordan and outside in specialized gatherings, traditional or electronic, addressing hot issues in the field.
- Founding a specialized paper and digital library.
- Establishing research and scientific relationships and shared activities with other similar labs in the Arab and western worlds.
- Establishing an interactive electronic website for the lab wherein the scientific research will be published.