Business administration

Business administration specialty aims to introduce students to field of management, familiarize them with management activities, tasks and functions within different types of organization.


During the first year, students will be introduced to this field in a comprehensive manner, where courses such as (principles of management, principles of accounting, and principles of macro and microeconomics economics) will be covered.


Business administration includes various fields such as marketing that brings you into the world of brands and defining the target group of customers, types of customers and advertising… etc. This field is covered by courses such as (marketing, marketing management, international marketing and service marketing)


This specialty will also provide administrative skills in the field of human resources management, including recruitment, performance appraisal, training and development, promotion, incentives and salaries ... etc. This field is covered by courses such as (human resource management and organizational behavior)


Another field in the world of business administration is project management. This specialization provides skills on how to create and manage projects, including personal projects as well. This field is covered by courses such as (small project management, project management, operations research)