Department Courses

 Department Courses
Course IDCourse NameActiveClassification
141402998knowledege Competency ExamYESPH.D
141402986Seminar in Modern Arabic LiteratureYESPH.D
141402985Seminar in Old Arabic LiteratureYESPH.D
141402984Literary Recieption Methocls of Arabic LiteratureYESPH.D
141402982Arabic NarratologiesYESPH.D
141402981Arabic Literature and Orientalist StudiesYESPH.D
141402973Studies in Poetics/ CriticismYESPH.D
141402972Literature and HumasciencesYESPH.D
141402971Applied Linguistics and Literary TheoryNOPH.D
141402964Studies in Comparative LiteraryYESPH.D
141402963Prosody of Arabic Poetry Between Stabaility and ProgressYESPH.D
141402962Studies in RhetoricYESPH.D
141402961Modern Literary Criticism and Its Applications in Arabic LiteratureYESPH.D
141402951Text Syntax and Discourse AnalysisYESPH.D
141402943Computer LinguisticsYESPH.D
141402941Modern Linguistic School and Their Applications in ArabicYESPH.D
141402933studies in literary and modern critical termsYESPH.D
141402932Seminar in Arabization and TranslationYESPH.D
141402931Lexicography and Terminology Applications in ArabicYESPH.D
141402926The Linguistic Thought of Quran InterpretersYESPH.D
141402925Old Syntactics of Morpological Text: New ReadingYESPH.D
141402924The Efforts of Orientalists in Arabic LinguisticsYESPH.D
141402923New Readings in Arabic Dialects and Qurantic RecitationsYESPH.D
141402922Language PlanningYESPH.D
141402921Studies in the Phiology of Semitic LanguagesYESPH.D
141402913Applied Studies in Phonic MorphologyYESPH.D
141402912Old Text of Syntax: New ReadingYESPH.D
141402911Modern Arabic Syntactic Theory in the Light of New MethodsYESPH.D