Chairman Message

chairman Message


May the peace, mercy, and blessing of God be upon you,

Welcome to the Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy, which has been established at the Hashemite University since 1999. The Department offers two majors for the Bachelor’s Degree, namely, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Each major comprises of 136 credit hours, including hours for theoretical modules, hours for practical modules, and hours for clinical training. The Department has a distinguished academic staff consisting of 14 doctoral and masters holding faculty members from prestigious international universities, as well as 9 laboratory instructors to deliver practical training. Currently, 450 male and female students are studying in the Department. The Department includes 7 laboratories for the application of the practical modules which are equipped with the necessary equipment and tools. In addition to these laboratories, the Department is linked to the Community-Based Rehabilitation Center of the Hashemite University, which aims to provide rehabilitation services to the local community in the governorates of Zarqa and Mafraq.

The Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy enjoys a close relationship with many medical institutions outside the University for the purpose of training students. These relationships include joint cooperation agreements with the Ministry of Health, the Royal Medical Services, several associations (such as the Hussein Society for Training and Inclusion, and the Doctors Without Borders Association), as well as private sector hospitals. In the future, the Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy hopes to establish a master’s program in Rehabilitation Sciences in addition to other programs. Note that the Department is currently working on establishing a higher diploma program in cooperation with the Al-Hussein Society for Training and Inclusion in Community-Based Rehabilitation.

Amongst the Departments most important achievements in the past years have been making voluntary medical days inside and outside the University campus, organizing scientific trips for the students of the Department, coordinating visits by specialists in the field of rehabilitation sciences to the University, participating in many conferences inside and outside the University, in addition to holding seminars and workshops for students and graduates to develop their clinical and academic skills.