Chairman Message

Welcome to Economics Department


Welcome to the Department of Economics at the Hashemite University. Economics is a social science that examines the multiple uses of economic resources to produce goods and distribute them for consumption in the present and future among members of society.

The department awards a bachelor's degree in economics and financial economics. The department consists of an elite group of professors who hold scientific degrees from prestigious universities, who teach a wide range of economic fields such as economic theory, data analysis, econometrics, and international economics.

The department awards a bachelor degree in economics and financial economics. The teaching and research of the faculty members cover a wide range of economic fields such as economic theory, data analysis, econometrics, and international economics.

The department also shows a high level of achievements in academic, research and social fields. It also aims to more diversity and development of academic programs, adopting the latest references and books in teaching, and increasing awareness of social, regional and global issues of responsibility.

We look forward to joining the Department of Economics at the Hashemite University, and for you to be part of this rich learning experience.