Chairman Message

Chairman Message


I welcome this opportunity to invite you to visit the website for Land Management and Environment Department at the Prince El-Hassan Bin Talal Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Hashemite University. With outstanding faculty in the department, students are provided with experiences, technical knowledge, and lab skills necessary to solve real world problems related to land use and sustainable management of water, fertilizers, and pesticides. Our teaching and research facilities in the department include modern and well equipped laboratories. 
The Program in the department is generally developed to focus on soil - plant - atmosphere systems, with emphasis on geographic information systems, remote sensing, physical, chemical, and microbiological processes in soils. Emphasis in environmental pollution, waste management/ reuse, and soil/ groundwater remediation. Environmental concerns have redirected much of the emphasis in both teaching and research is also including.
We appreciate your interest in the Land Management and Environment Department. We encourage you to explore our website. Kindly let us know if you have any questions or comments.