
The Department of Sustainable Tourism at Hashemite University offers a BA degree in Tourism Management and a Masters degree in Managing and Conserving Tourism and Heritage Sites. All the courses offered at the Department are taught in English except the courses of the second European Language.
The Department of Sustainable Tourism was honored to previously receive the Hashemite University award of distinction for the extraordinary achievements of its students and its professional academic staff. The students of the department are distinguished for their strong personality and their ability to express themselves freely and their unusual knowledge of a broad range of topics and subjects related to social and academic life because of their constant interaction and communication with different institutions of the society in Jordan. In addition to this they have a good command of a second European Language (French or Spanish).
The academic plans of offered programs are comprehensive and focused on preparing students for the requirements of modern life and for future job expectations. The Department is also special for its enthusiastic and open-minded working staff that is flexible and ready for changes and progress of new ways of life.
The multidisciplinary specializations of the working staff produce internationally recognized research in many fields of tourism and heritage. The outstanding collaboration among the different teachers fosters highly disciplinary research with emphasis on the application of the latest innovations of technology in fields of tourism and heritage. The teachers of the department are participating in either international or national projects or research fields in and outside Jordan. They also published an abundant number of articles in scientifically refereed journals and periodicals in addition to some translations of some significant books in tourism, archaeology or epigraphy.

Enrolling as a student in our program therefore will be a wise step into the world of successful and distinguished professions. A career of high prestige and a good amount of money awaits you if you decide to be one of our students.