إعلان هام جداً للطلبة: بدء فترة تقييم الفاعلية التدريسية للفصل الدراسي الأول 2024/2025 .
View Details The Deanship of Academic Development and International Outreach (DADIO) is a central support deanship that provides expert guidance to the university, and supports its Faculties and Departments in meeting their obligations in relation to the quality assurance and academic standards. Hashemite University in Brief -Brochure
Deanship of Academic Development and International Outreach
إعلان هام جداً للطلبة: بدء فترة تقييم الفاعلية التدريسية للفصل الدراسي الأول 2024/2025 .
The second administrative meeting and the first training workshop for the ERASMUS+ project in the field of medical education at the University of Minho in Portugall.