Dean Message


On behalf of our faculty, staff, administration, and students, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Faculty of Nursing (FON) at the Hashemite University (HU).
 Our faculty is committed to EXCELLENCE- INNOVATION- PASSION- INTEGRITY- EFFECTIVENESS. These “guiding principles” include a commitment to excellence in everything we do, the use of innovative approaches to stay ahead of a changing environment, passion and integrity that are well reflected in everything we do, and teamwork to maximize our effectiveness.
The Faculty of Nursing (FON) was established in 1999/2000 with 101 students in the basic baccalaureate program. Since then, there has been an increase in baccalaureate program enrollments. We currently have 950 students formally enrolled in the baccalaureate program, and 35 students in the graduate program; and we anticipate significant growth to continue in these programs.
Our school has a strong tradition of educating the best and the brightest in clinical practice, education and nursing research. Our faculty are expert in their fields and are dedicated to educating the future generation of nurses. The school works both locally and globally to meet our mission of educating and conducting research that advances evidence based nursing. The faculty members at the FON are young, motivated with varied experiences in clinical settings. In addition, some of them are double qualified, which makes our faculty more distinctive. At the FON, all faculty members are using Problem-based Learning (PbL), Evidenced-based Practice (EbP), and Information Technology (IT) in their teaching method. Parts of some courses are taught via simulation. All faculty members are working with the spirit of the team and all are looking for excellence in academia. In 2019/2020, the faculty updated its nursing curriculum plans. In results, the FON was ranked first in "Quality Assurance (QA) Project 2006-2007,"(accredited by American Associations for QA), ranked first in "Quality Assurance (QA) Project in 2007-2008 (coordinated by the Jordanian Higher Education Accreditation Commission), ranked first in the "National Competency Exam" in 2006-2007", and second in the same exam in 2005-2006. In 2008-2009, a master’s program in nursing was started in two specialties (oncology, psychiatric and mental Health) and expanded in 2019 to involve maternity and women health as the first program in Jordan. Our programs (Bachelor and Master) are accredited by Jordanian Higher Education Accreditation Commission (HEAC).   
I invite you to join our school and experience the great profession of nursing. Trust that it will be an exciting as well as challenging experience.