
Center in brief

The Innovation and entrepreneurial projects centre were established at The Hashemite University to incubate creative ideas and nurture the creativity and innovations of students, faculty members and employees. The centre aims to raise the level of the university to the ranks of distinguished universities regionally and globally in the fields of creativity and innovation, as well as enabling pioneering projects to transform into productive projects of economic value and patents, and move from exporting knowledge to exporting ideas, innovations, and productive ideas to the labour market for the local and global community. The centre is concerned with creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship that are embodied in the form of pioneering projects, business incubators and technical incubators, to serve as the legal umbrella for incubating and sponsoring the implementation of the university's vision in this regard, as it is one of the priorities that must be focused on and pay attention to. The centre will institutionalize and frame the efforts to create an and incubating environment as platform for creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

The centre works on developing and rehabilitating students’ creative competencies, inclusion of concepts related to innovation and its components in educational curricula and focusing on the role of innovation as an effective methodological option by adopting it as a measure of the university key performance indicators (KPIs), in addition to building strategic partnerships and signing agreements with relevant authorities to support entrepreneurship based on creativity and innovation. In addition to enabling students to build and develop viable entrepreneurial projects to qualify them to create their own job opportunities by establishing and launching promising small companies and searching for new funding sources to support creativity and innovation.

The objectives of the centre:

1.    Spreading and disseminating the culture of innovation, creativity, excellence and entrepreneurship in the university and the community.
2.    Encouraging innovators to unleash their creative energies by embracing them and providing them with the necessary support to develop their products through start-up companies within the university.
3.    Encouraging faculty members to participate actively in creative projects.
4.    Attracting, sponsor, and supporting creative and innovative students from different faculties.
5.    Qualifying the students who are incubated within the incubators at the centre and providing them with the necessary cognitive competencies.
6.    Activating the role of incubators to make them as the first working environment and launch to the labour market.
7.    Strengthening the relationship between the university, industry and the private sector and working to attract investment capital to finance the production and marketing of innovative products for the start-up companies.
8.    Participation in pioneering projects nationally and internationally.
9.    Qualifying the university staff who are specialized in the development and training of innovation-based projects, with a focus on technology and knowledge.
10.    Registering patents and matters related to technology transfer through the technology transfer Office with then coordination with the related bosies in the university.
11.    Contribute to support education and training activities and explore talents and creative energies to achieve outstanding performance for talented and creative people on a national scale.
12.    Supporting and sponsoring all educational, training and research activities that can lead to products capable of manufacturing and commercial marketing and providing distinguished technical services for their development.
13.    Develop a culture of risk taking, skills and capacity building to develop ideas, business, action plans, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
14.    Securing the necessary funding and financial support to enable the centre to perform its duties.