Welcoming note


The innovation and entrepreneurial projects centre at the Hashemite University is pleased to welcome visitors to the site. The centre is always aiming for permanent communication with its beneficiaries and partners to achieve the general and private interests and objectives of the centre. Our centre carries the slogan "The Hashemite from innovation to entrepreneurship" and we always aim to achieve the greatest degree of independence for our students.
The centre works on developing and rehabilitating students’ creative competencies, inclusion of concepts related to innovation and its components in educational curricula and focusing on the role of innovation as an effective methodological option by adopting it as a measure of the university key performance indicators (KPIs), in addition to building strategic partnerships and signing agreements with relevant authorities to support entrepreneurship based on creativity and innovation. In addition to enabling students to build and develop viable entrepreneurial projects to qualify them to create their own job opportunities by establishing and launching promising small companies and searching for new funding sources to support creativity and innovation.

If you think yourself able to benefit in the areas of the centre’s work, please contact us through the e-mail shown in the Contact Us tab.