Work Package 2

Name : Needs Assessment, Lead by: YU

Duration: M1 – M6


1- Assess the perception of stakeholders in the HEIs about preceptors’ educational ability and needs.
2- Analyze the data collected to identify major gaps in the educational ability and needs of preceptors. And issues relate to their educational role as preceptors.
3- Identify preliminary syllabus for the program, based on the findings of objectives 1,2 above.

  • Task 2.1-Conducting Focus Group (Qualitative Approach).
  • Task 2.2-Collecting Data Using Questioners (Quantitative approach).
  • Task 2.3-Analyzing Data.
  • Task 2.4-Mapping Curricula.
  • Task 2.5-Reveieing Medical Education Literature.
  • Task 2.6-Identifying the Educational Skills Needed.