Course Discription |
• This course will introduce the students to the methods of research in the health field (quantitative and qualitative).
• This course will provide the students with the core research skills they need to conduct quantitative research and how they can interpret and present their research results.
• The course will focus on descriptive, inferential statistics as applied to medical practice.
• The course starts with understanding descriptive measures and probability concepts. Conditional probability and Bayes theorem to test validity and reliability indicators for clinical and laboratory tests, i.e. sensitivity, specificity and predictive values for single and multiple tests.
• The students will be trained to use a computer software (SPSS) in solving assigned exercises. The students are trained to recognize the different types of variables, organize the data on Excel and SPSS, write a null hypothesis and conduct statistical inferences by Estimation and Hypothesis testing, Chi-square analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), logistic regression, correlation and non-parametric tests are discussed with relevant clinical examples.
• The students will learn about the different types of confounders, bias.
• The course will discuss Vital statistics topics related to Fertility, Morbidity and Mortality indicators.
• The course is designed to introduce the students to the concepts of community medicine and its integration within clinical medicine.
• Teaching methods include face to face and online lectures, class discussions, and exercises.