The second administrative meeting and the first training workshop for the ERASMUS+ project in the field of medical education at the University of Minho in Portugal took place between Wednesday and Friday (8-10 May 2024).
The second administrative meeting and the first training workshop were held as part of the Medical Education project entitled:
"Capacity Building Educational Program for Preceptors: Supporting medical students’ clinical experiences."
The University of Minho in Portugal welcomed the project team consisting of the project manager, deans of medical faculties, and faculty members from medical faculties in Jordan and participating European universities. The project, which spans three years (1/11/2023-31/10/2026), aims to support medical education in Jordan by building the capacities of clinical preceptors (physicians) working in the field of medical student training in teaching hospitals in Jordan. This is achieved through the design and implementation of a professional training program to enhance their teaching, supervision, and training skills.
The project, led by the Hashemite University in partnership with the Ministry of Health, the medical faculties of the University of Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Yarmouk University, Mutah University, Al-Balqa Applied University, Minho University in Portugal, and the University of Patras in Greece.
The meeting was opened by the Vice President of the University of Minho and included administrative sessions and training workshops with field visits to medical education laboratories at the University of Minho, aiming to learn from European experience in medical education and benefit from it in planning the implementation of the training program, which will be launched in the middle of the project's second year.
Project director Dr. Randa Mahasneh emphasized the importance of holding these meetings and training workshops to enable the team responsible for building a training program for clinical preceptors to tailor it to their needs and in line with the Jordanian environment and global standards. The collaboration and exchange of experiences between medical faculties in Jordan and participating European universities will, God willing, lead to further development of medical education in Jordan.
تاريخ النشر: 14-05-2024
Number of views : 241