Program Educational Objectives(PEOs)


The Architecture Department at HU is deeply committed to ensuring that every graduate of the program meets the goals and learning objectives that necessary to achieve the highest level of excellence in all of their future endeavors. Graduates of the program should solve architecture related problems within a greater societal context by doing the following:
1) Practice Architecture profession with confidence, global competitiveness and superior work ethics and character.
2) Apply professional knowledge, expertise, and technical skills to identify, examine, present, communicate, perform, and produce efficient, creative, and sustainable architectural design concepts and realistic solutions.
3) Demonstrate high proficiency in critical thinking, communication, and solving complex design problems.
4) Pursue life-long learning skills to meet evolving built environment and architectural challenges facing the society.
5) Work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams within the building industry by providing knowledge in built environment related disciplines relevant to ethical responsibilities and professional obligations in architecture.
6) Be able to pursue advanced study and research at the graduate level.
The architectural engineering program at the HU reflects the view that architecture is an intellectual and interdisciplinary discipline, both an art and a profession science.


The detailed objectives of the architectural engineering program at HU are to:

1) Develop and foster students’ abilities in analytical, critical, creative, and interpretative thinking skills. Our design teaching method focuses on how the students acquire, organize, and apply design knowledge base on the instructor’s knowledge, teaching style, personal experience, and ability to build a conceptual understanding of the design knowledge domain. Therefore, our architectural design program has three objectives: to teach new skills, to teach new languages, and to teach students how to think in architectural terms.
2) Develop and foster the students' ability to communicate effectively by using oral, written and graphical forms and their abilities to analyze and interpret data and provide the results that necessary to design buildings. 
3) Provide students with knowledge, skills and proficiency to meet the growing demands of future profession in dealing with the dynamic, fluid and progressive trend of architecture. The curriculum is crafted to enhance and foster students’ as well as instructors’ abilities to face the global competition and to work in different environments. 
4) Provide students with adequate knowledge of design principles, communication and representation systems, architectural design, ecological, environmental and sustainable design, construction material and technology, computer-aided design, urban design, structural systems and behaviors, conservation and rehabilitation, history and theory, landscape architecture, housing and city planning. 
5) Draw knowledge from humanities, the social and physical science, technology, environmental science, the creative arts, and the liberal arts.
6) Train students and teachers in research techniques as an inherent part of architectural learning.
7) Develop the students' ability to lead effectively the communications with colleagues, clients and the local community. 
8) Prepare students to acquire and develop creative problem solving and lifelong learning skills including critical thinking and assessment of existing environments, active and experiential learning for developing design concepts and solutions.
9) Prepare students to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams within the building industry by providing knowledge in built environment related disciplines relevant to ethical responsibilities and professional obligations in architecture.
10) Prepare students for future architects professional and technical role wherein they need to solve architectural design problems in creative ways.  
11) Prepare students to apply architectural engineering design' knowledge of science of contemporary issues, which allows them to appreciate the impact of architectural solutions on humankind in general and local community in particular.
12) Develop continuously the program to meet the resent advancement and the market diverse needs of the local national and international.