National Accreditation


National Authorization and Institutional Quality Assurance 
Accreditation & Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions (AQACHEI)
The Commission was established in 2007 according the Law No. (20) by the name of Higher Education Accreditation Commission (HEAC) (Under the umbrella of the minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research). In 2009, the Law has been modified such that the HEAC was fully independent. (Under the umbrella of Prime Ministry). In 2016, the Commission has been expanded to include the “Quality Assurance” in its mission (AQACHEI).
AQACHEI aims to advance quality and equity in higher education in Jordan whether in assessment, ranking, or conducting valid, reliable, and unbiased testing services. It also strives to improve the status of higher education in the Kingdom; assuring its quality; motivating higher education institutions to open up to and interact with universities, scientific research institutions, and international accreditation and quality control commissions; and developing higher education by employing internationally comparable standards. AQACHEI will contribute to quality assurance of Jordanian higher education institutions in providing consultations, expertise, and technical support in areas of qualitative assessment of learning outcomes, testing and measurement, evaluation tools, software and techniques, and professional training of faculty and employees through conducting specialized workshops and seminars.