Graduation Projects

The Graduating Project is part of the curriculum that the students must take after completing 120 credit hours of coursework. The graduation project (1 and 2) is taken in two semesters.

Students are encouraged to tackle engineering problems with application to current issues or pursue problems of a research nature. In the graduating project, mechanical students learn how to use gained engineering knowledge and apply it in a systematic methodology to solving real-situation problems, be it in application or research. The students work under the supervision of one of the faculty members.


Typical areas of interest to students include:

  • Renewable energy methods and conversion
  • Control systems
  • Analysis and design of mechanical systems (machines)
  • Analyses and design of air-conditioning and heating systems with emphasis on improved methods for conserving energy
  • Advanced topics in thermal, fluid, and solid mechanics


The graduation projects list for the academic year 2022/2023


Project name



VLT portable refrigeration with solar PV system

Dr. Ahmad Migdadi


Multi-terrain Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Dr. Mahdi Alquran


Manually Operated Mechanical Lifter

Dr. Mohammad Gharaibeh


Design, Control and Stabilization of a Transformable Wheeled Fire Fighting Robot 

Dr. Rami Aljarrah


Integrated wind turbine – water pumping system for regulating electricity production

Dr. Momen Qasaimeh


Development and enhancing vibration measurement vest and trouser

Prof. Haitham Tlilan


Green development of green composite drone

Dr. Faris Al-Oqla


Performance study of a domestic refrigerator powered by photovoltaic generator

Prof. Mohammad Tarawneh


The Design and Development of an Intelligent Underwater Robot

Dr. Rami AL jarrah


Designing an eco-friendly electric vehicle for handicapped

Dr. Mahmoud Rababah


Comparative Study of PID and fuzzy logic controllers for controlling the speed of DC Motor

Dr. Nashat Nawafleh



Analytical design study of solar mechanical system for residential buildings

Dr. Salem Nijmeh


Solar-Operated Dc Motor Design for Mechanical Lifter Applications

Dr. Mohammad Gharaibeh


Power generation by combined vertical axis wind turbines on highways

Eng. Ahmad Bani Yaseen