The Computer Engineering Department strives to provide its students with practical and theoretical knowledge about the field, also the department aims at providing students with essential scientific bases that allows them to solve practical problems in the industry. This will create a generation of graduates that will push the wheel of economic growth and expansion by either working in the public or private sectors. The computer Engineering Department tries always to update its curriculum for bachelor students to stay on top of all the advances in the industry and in the academia as well.
The objective of the Strategic Plan for the Department of Computer Engineering (CpE) at the Hashemite University is to establish where the department wants to be by the end of the year 2012 and how the department is going to get there. The Plan consists of five general components:
1. Mission Statement
2. Vision Statement
3. Goals and Objectives Statement
4. Core Value Statement
5. List of key strategic issues and plans for each key issue.
- Undergraduate Education
- Graduate Education
- Research and Scholarly Activities
- Faculty Development
- Facilities
- Staff
- Outreach to National Industry
- Development and External Relations
For more details, please see the attached Strategic Plan.