Graduate projects

Graduation Project (1) : (1,3,0) Prereq. (0406310  &  2406322  &  2406325  &  Successfully completion of at least 112 credit hours)
The students start up their graduation project with the needed lituretur review  closely with their supervisors.
Graduation Project: (2) (2,6,0) Prereq. (2406498)      
The students employs their theoretical and practical experience that they gained through the period of their previous study to create new applications that strengthen their knowledge in his specialty.
Graduate Projects 2010/2011



Names of  students


EMG signal measurement and analysis



محمد نبيل الجميلي


مازن صلاح الخطيب


صالح صلاح ابو شمالة


علاء عبدالحليمالشيشاني


خليل محمد حمادة

Dr. belal AL-Tarabsheh

Motion Detection in MRI









أحمد حاتم الزراري


تسنيم رفعت الدباس


خالد فؤاد سونده


ليث زيد حدادين


ميسم علي درويش