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Course Details
Course Details
Course No.
Course Name
Portfolio Management
204721 أو 2204721
Theory credit
Practical Credit
Course Discription
The course offers an advanced treatment of investment decision-making. It explains in a formal and systematic fashion those concepts underlying portfolio investment decisions under risk. Portfolio theory has two separate aspects: (a) As positive theory, it attempts to explain and predict phenomena in security markets. (b) As normative theory, it provides criteria for the ways in which investment decisions should be made and stipulates rules for attaining desired ends. The normative aspect of the theory is emphasized in the course. This course also studies the financial markets from a perspective of investors or fund managers who select financial assets through time forming a dynamically managed portfolio management with an emphasizes on investment strategy and the evaluation of investment performance. Also emphasized are some practical issues pertaining to portfolio management in the Jordanian financial environment by discussing the stock market microstructure and trading mechanism in Jordan, financial instrument available for investors, equity concentration and stock market regulations, and other issues. The main topics covers in this course are: investment environment and stock market microstructure, efficient market hypotheses and behavioral finance, risk and return and efficient portfolios, stock valuation models, bund valuation models, portfolio performance evaluation, and globalization and international diversification. Group assignments provide students with an opportunity to construct, implement, and evaluate trading strategies using financial marketing data.
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