الجامعة الهاشميّة تواصل تقدمها (200) مركزًا ضمن تصنيف الـــQS العالمي للجامعات الجامعة الهاشميّة تواصل تقدمها (200) مركزًا ضمن تصنيف الـــQS العالمي للجامعات

     For the second year respectively, the Hashemite University continues its noticeable progress according to QS global classification for universities, the university moved forward (200) places to become in the category of (1001-1200) globally for the year 2025, comparing to its classification in the last year as (1201-1400) out of (5663) universities that had been classified from different countries all over the world.

      According to the performance criteria and indicators, the Hashemite University has accomplished a remarkable progress in all fields and criteria, regarding the academic reputation, the university had an advanced rank comparing other similar global universities, in a rank of (601) globally. The University also had been ranked  a prestigious position in the field of the graduates impact and being well-qualified for leading positions, the university had been ranked in the (566) globally.

      The Hashemite University had been ranked among the best of (632) global universities in retaining international students, in addition to its progress in other criteria and indicators such as: the percentage of students to the faculty members, citations for each faculty member, the sustainability index, and other standards.

      Professor Khaled Hesham Hyari, the president of the Hashemite University, asserted the efforts of the university in maintaining progress and academic distinction in the different programs and teaching plans of the university, focusing on the education quality as it should align with the national priorities, and supporting the graduates with the creative skills that can enable them to be involved in the labor market in an effective way, in addition to the importance of the students' diversity on the regional and international level.

     The president of the Hashemite University, stressed the need for continuing building fruitful partnerships with various society sectors and planning for entrepreneurial programs, which reinforce the idea of creativity and innovation, and shrinking the gap between the learning outcomes and the market demands locally and internationally, in addition to strengthening the international cooperation and exchanging experiences and knowledge, which promote  the university into higher positions to accomplish the needed distinction.

الجامعة الهاشميّة تواصل تقدمها (200) مركزًا ضمن تصنيف الـــQS العالمي للجامعات الجامعة الهاشميّة تواصل تقدمها (200) مركزًا ضمن تصنيف الـــQS العالمي للجامعات