-	اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية - اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية

  The participants in the refereed international scientific conference "Prospects of Arab Discourse: Searching for the Future", held by the Discourse Analysis Laboratory at the Faculty of Arts at Hashemite University, extended their warmest congratulations to His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty's assumption of his constitutional powers. In the closing statement, they expressed their appreciation for His Majesty's efforts in serving and supporting the causes of the Arab and Islamic nations, most notably the Palestinian cause, and his tireless efforts to reach an international agreement that achieves the establishment of the Palestinian state and his defense of it in international forums. The participants appreciated the efforts of the President of The Hashemite University, Professor Khaled Al-Hyari, the President of the Conference, and his Vice President for Humanities Colleges, Professor Wasfi Al-Rawabdeh, the Chairman of the Higher Committee of the Conference, and all the conference committees, for their great role in the success of the conference, which addressed a number of contemporary Arab issues.

   The participants suggested, in their recommendations, which were read by Professor Zuhair Obeidat, Professor of Literary Criticism at the Hashemite University, to study the narratives of the Israeli occupation and the impact of its discourses and their effects,  as to deconstruct them, and expose aggressive practices through scientific and research platforms and local, Arab and international media.

   The conference attendees called for the cooperation of Arab scientific institutions in producing an Arab discourse that preserves the moral and value constants of Arab and Islamic society, and provides flexible and realistic solutions to all the challenges facing society, and provides decision-makers in the Arab world with the necessary tools to plan the next future of Arab society’s life.

    They also recommended the necessity of establishing and activating centers for future studies to confront expected changes, and conducting future research on the impact of the media in shaping public opinion. The participants called on those in charge of the “Discourse Analysis Laboratory” at the university to hold periodic conferences to discuss issues of Arab discourse, suggesting that it begin analyzing Arab scientific discourse or the “Arab Knowledge Index.”.  In the closing session of the conference, Professor Wasfi Al-Rawabdeh, Vice President of the University/Chairman of the Conference Supreme Committee, handed the participants with certificates of appreciation, and praised their valuable participation and qualitative research, and thanked the organizing committees that contributed to holding this pioneering scientific conference.


    The conference concluded its work on Wednesday 8-21-2024, as the speakers stressed the importance of discussing and analyzing contemporary Arab discourse, identifying its aims and objectives, and developing it in a manner consistent with the rapid scientific and technical changes witnessed by the world.


    The participants also discussed in their papers and studies the relationship between Arabs and the other, and the methodology of analyzing Arab discourse. The researchers presented models of discourse analysis applications in stories, poetry, and Arab novels, and the contents of local, Arab, and international media, and presented the psychological effects of the enemy's discourses on the people in the West Bank and Gaza.

    The conference, which was held on August 20-21, 2024, under the patronage of the President of Hashemite University, was attended by about (40) scholars, thinkers, critics, and academics from twelve Arab and foreign countries: Jordan, the united Arab Emirates, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan, Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey, Canada, Bulgaria, and America.

-	اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية - اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية
-	اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية - اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية
-	اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية - اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية
-	اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية - اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية
-	اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية - اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية
-	اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية - اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية
-	اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية - اختتام أعمال "مؤتمر آفاق الخطاب العربي: البحث عن المستقبل" في الجامعة الهاشمية