الجامعة الهاشمية تحصد المركز الاول ضمن فئة افضل الأفرع  الطلابية على مستوى المنطقة الثامنة التي تضم أوروبا وافريقيا والشرق الأوسط الجامعة الهاشمية تحصد المركز الاول ضمن فئة افضل الأفرع الطلابية على مستوى المنطقة الثامنة التي تضم أوروبا وافريقيا والشرق الأوسط

   The IEEE Student Branch of the Faculty of Engineering at Hashemite University, specializing in energy and industrial applications (IEEE HU PES/IAS), won first place in the category of best student branches in the eighth region for the year 2024, which includes Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

   The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Dr. Hassan Katkhuda, stressed the importance of this scientific achievement made by the student branch (Energy and Industrial Applications Society), which is one of the most active branches locally and regionally, which contributed to obtaining the PES High Performing Student Chapter in Region 8, noting that this scientific excellence came through the directives and keenness of the Hashemite University administration and the follow-up of Professor Dr. Khaled Hyari, President of the University, and his provision of all forms of continuous support to the college's students and staff to achieve scientific achievements and enhance the university's reputation locally, regionally and globally. He added that the College of Engineering always seeks to excel and achieve achievements by activating branches and professional and scientific student communities.