مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024 مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024

    On Monday, May 6, 2024, the Board of Trustees of the Hashemite University held its regular session on the university campus, headed by his Excellency Dr. Yassin Al-Husban, Chairman of the Council, with the presence of the University President, Professor Dr. Khaled Hisham Al-Hiyari, and members of the Council.

    The Council began its session by welcoming the President of the University and congratulating him on the issuance of the Royal Decree of appointing him as President of the University. The Council affirmed its support for all the efforts he is making for the sake of the university’s advancement and progress, and expressed its thanks to the former University President, Professor Dr. Fawaz Al-Abdul Haq Al-Zboun, for the efforts he made during his presidency of the University.

    For his part, the University President stressed the importance of continuing to build on the university’s achievements, developing and modernizing the work system at the academic and administrative levels, consolidating university work rules, keeping up with developments, reviewing the university’s strategic plan, following up on performance indicators, and striving for continuous improvement of the university’s basic operations and its continuous development and sustainability.

     The Council approved the university’s budget for the year 2024 after discussing it in preparation for submitting it to the Ministry of Higher Education based on the recommendation of the Council’s Finance and Administrative Committee. The total size of the budget amounted to about sixty-three million dinars, and the estimated deficit amounted to about nine million dinars, noting that the size of this deficit is linked to several  agencies outstanding amounts owed to the university during 2024, which will prevent it from turning into an actual deficit.

    The Council approved the committee’s recommendation of the annual report and final financial accounts for the year 2023, as the Hashemite University closed its financial records for the year 2023 without a deficit despite the existence of an estimated financial deficit at the beginning of the year 2023, which indicates the effectiveness of the measures taken by the university and its councils to avoid turning the estimated deficit for the year 2023 into actual deficit.

   The Council approved the number of students to be accepted into the Higher Specialization Program of the faculty of Human Medicine, and the Council instructed the University Presidency to implement the decision of the Higher Education Council regarding the seats allocated within the agreements signed between the University, the Ministry of Health, the Royal Medical Services, and Prince Hamzah Hospital.

مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024 مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024
مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024 مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024
مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024 مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024
مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024 مجلس أمناء الجامعة الهاشمية يُقِرُّ موازنتها لعام 2024