مستشار دولي في الذكاء الاصطناعي: "الرخصة الدولية للذكاء الاصطناعي IAIDL مفتاح المستقبل" مستشار دولي في الذكاء الاصطناعي: "الرخصة الدولية للذكاء الاصطناعي IAIDL مفتاح المستقبل"

     A lecture held by the Deanship of Student Affairs at the Hashemite University, and presented by an expert in the science of artificial intelligence and future tools,Dr. Rami Shaheen, stresses the necessity of getting the international licence for artificial intelligence (IAIDL International Artificial Intelligence Driving Licence) and its different applications, especially those related to smart cities as a first step for a brighter future.

    The Dean of Students Affairs at the Hashemite University prof. Sadiq Al-Shdefat emphasized that artificial intelligence became on the top of the list for creating Job offers and growth for individuals in various institutes and markets, therefore, the Deanship of Student Affairs started holding a series of valuable lectures about this topic. He added that artificial intelligence changes the landscape of education and jobs, so everybody should increase his/her level of knowledge and skillsin this field, or taking the risk of ignoring the latest advancements in this scientific domain.

    The consultant of the artificial intelligence science,Dr. Rami Shaheen, referred to the importance of professionality and competence regarding artificial intelligence skills and the tools of future management, which includes (Block Chain), the (internet of thing), Robots, 3D printing, virtual reality and Augmented reality, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data science and other concepts which are related with the forth industrial revolution.

     Dr.Shaheen said that the ambitious youth has a huge responsibility in the process of change and development and searching about the big opportunities which artificial intelligence provides, which is the ability of the machine to think almost as humans, he mentioned that artificial intelligence can be involved in many fields, sectors, and daily businesses.

   He added that marketplaces are looking for skills, abilities, and competencies that are able to deal with the tools of the artificial intelligence and the tools of future management as to develop institutions, services and outcomes.

مستشار دولي في الذكاء الاصطناعي: "الرخصة الدولية للذكاء الاصطناعي IAIDL مفتاح المستقبل" مستشار دولي في الذكاء الاصطناعي: "الرخصة الدولية للذكاء الاصطناعي IAIDL مفتاح المستقبل"
مستشار دولي في الذكاء الاصطناعي: "الرخصة الدولية للذكاء الاصطناعي IAIDL مفتاح المستقبل" مستشار دولي في الذكاء الاصطناعي: "الرخصة الدولية للذكاء الاصطناعي IAIDL مفتاح المستقبل"